LECET Report

LECET markets training

Wisconsin LECET worked with the Wisconsin Laborers Training Center to design and distribute marketing materials for the upcoming 1998 training schedule.

The Trainer, a brochure with course descriptions and the Training Center schedule was mailed to all laborers. It was also distributed to Local Laborers Unions and major contractor organizations.

In addition, a special issue of Wisconsin LECET News was published detailing the strategic plan for laborers training put together by the Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund. A poster with the course schedule of the Wisconsin Laborers Training Center was inserted in the newsletter. The Wisconsin LECET News and the poster were mailed to all signatory contractors.

Copies of these marketing materials are available from your local union, the Wisconsin Laborers Training Center or the Wisconsin Laborers District Council.


LECET in '98 Governor's Conference

Wisconsin LECET in conjunction with the Wisconsin Laborers Skill Improvement Fund, will once again participate in the Governors Conference on Economic Development, February 11-13, 1998.

A trade show booth will be set up with materials describing the availability of skilled labor, the productivity of union workers and the benefits of labor-management cooperation.

The conference hosts 400 business leaders, economic development professionals, government officials and the media.


Market Recovery Continues to Pay

To date, 65 projects have been completed in which Market Recovery funding has been used. Recovering wages and benefits totaling over $2 million -- an investment ratio of better than 10 to 1.


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