Laborers Training Center

Laborers - AGC Unveils “Strategic Plan”
At National Training Conference

Laborers and signatory contractors from across the country attended the 1997 National Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund’s annual conference in Milwaukee in August.

The Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council and the Wisconsin Laborers’ Skill Improvement Fund served as hosts for the event which focused on implementing a strategic plan for training Laborers well into the next century.

A Resolution adopted at the 21st LIUNA Convention in September of last year mandated that the “Laborers-AGC develop a strategic plan of operation for Laborers training that will serve as a vision for the next five years.”

The conference served as an opportunity to examine and discuss the goals and objectives of a plan that was the result of a long and carefully conceived needs assessment and committee work process that included focus groups to generate ideas and suggestions; a written training needs survey to identify current and future needs; input gathered from workshops held at the Tri-Fund Conference earlier in the year.

That planning process resulted in seven initiatives that will shape Laborers’ training for the next five years.

Dean Jensen, Director of the Wisconsin Laborers’ Training Center, was a member of the Organizational Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Strategic Plan Subcommittee, which focused on improving communication and resource sharing among the Tri-Funds (LECET, Skill Improvement and Laborers’ Health and Safety), affiliated training funds, signatory contractors, and members.

The work of the subcommittee lead to the development of a computer software program which will allow Locals to track and share information regarding skills and training needs, based on classes taken, work history and anticipated work schedules in any area of the country.

Knowing the skills of a workforce in a particular area and comparing those skills against expected needs, better prepares Locals to implement appropriate training and makes contractors more competitive.

In addition to the Organizational Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Strategic Plan Subcommittee, subcommittees on Curriculum Development and Delivery; Funding and Financial Management; Lifelong Learning; Marketing, Recruitment and Retention; Skill Standards Development and Implementation; and Total Quality Management, presented workshops that were intended to explain the function and value of the initiative, as well as to elicit feedback from workshop participants to ensure the plan’s practicality in the field.

Training Center Video
Wins Aurora Award

"Laborers' Best Kept Secret" a 12 minute video that outlines the benefits of the Laborers' Training Center in Almond, Wisconsin and which was highlighted at this year's National Laborers - AGC Training Conference in Milwaukee, recently received an Aurora Award for effectiveness, creativity and quality presentation.

Competition for the award comes from private and corporate production groups, advertising agencies, and television stations from around the country.

This is the second award for the Training Center video, which was funded by Wisconsin LECET and produced by Capitol Lights Production in Madison.


State Programs Win “Innovation in Training” Awards

Training programs developed by the Wisconsin Laborers’ Skill Improvement Fund received Innovation in Training Awards at the 1997 National Laborers—AGC Training Conference in Milwaukee.

In the category of Training Materials; Administration — Linkages to other Organizations, Laborers Local #113 and the Training Center were recognized for partnering with HUD, Milwaukee Public Housing Authority and the District Council to develop a Public Housing Demonstration project in Milwaukee.

In the category of Administration — Promotion and Recruitment, the Training Center and Laborers Local #464 Madison were recognized for their work in helping to develop and implement a construction career opportunity program for area high school students.

In the category of Training Materials, the District Council was recognized for a joint training program in trenching and building excavation held with the Operating Engineers.

In the category of Administration — Linkages to Other Organizations, the Training Center, the District Council and Wisconsin Road Builders Association were recognized for partnering with the Federal Highway Administration, the State Department of Transportation and the YMCA of Greater Milwaukee in providing program orientation, safety and construction training in the road construction industry.

In the category of Administration — Linkages to Other Organizations, the Skill Improvement Fund was recognized for partnering with Laborers’ Local #113 and the Milwaukee Community Service Corps to help train corps members and transition participants into the Local.

In the category of Training Materials, the Training Center was recognized for developing training material for making day and night presentations to 500 members at 13 Locals across the state, on flagging and traffic control.

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